Kristina Kinkela Valčić

Visual arts teacher

Our bright and inspiring IB Visual Arts teacher Kristina is here to encourage students to find their creativity and learn how to communicate with visuals, colors and shapes -  a language that everyone understands! It is important to her to create an inspiring environment for her students in which students are encouraged to explore different techniques and develop critical thinking about art and the world around them, as well as also a deep understanding of the cultural and contextual significance of their work. As an IB Visual Arts teacher, Kristina brings a unique blend of academic rigour, artistic exploration and cultural insight to her students.

As an art pedagogue, teacher, designer and active artist of abstract painting, Kristina is equipped with a whole spectrum of knowledge, strategies and experience that she lovingly passes on to her students in order to stimulate their interest in art, strengthen their skills in understanding art, but also the encourage them to try to explore their artistic voices! She is the mind behind our school decoration aestathic, helping us all feel inspired on every occasion and in every space in the school.

She holds an MA in Art Education from the Academy of Applied Arts, University of Rijeka. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology at the University of Zagreb. Her research explores the evolving conceptions of cultural identity in the Kastav region, emphasising the dynamic and negotiated nature of identities. This perspective profoundly influences her artwork, where intuitive and intimate abstract landscapes invite viewers to engage in personal interpretations of visual codes. Kristina is a member of the Croatian Association of Artists (Rijeka, Zagreb), the online art project Art Ćakula, and the Salvador Club (AAMI Ljubljana, Slovenia).

Our teachers

Adria is led by a team of experts dedicated to progress of education and care for each student and employee. Their task is to ensure optimal conditions for the school’s development and connect it both to the local and global community it is part of. On this path they are constantly learning how to be prepared for future challenges and work effectively with and for people.

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