Discovering the Wonders of Physics: Play and Experiments in the World of Young Explorers

Throughout March, the physics teacher at our school took the initiative to bring the world of science closer to preschool-aged children through a series of interesting and educational experiments. As part of the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the kindergartners had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the basic concepts of physics in a manner tailored to their age and understanding.
During these sessions, the children learned about complex topics such as electricity, centre of gravity, density, capillarity, and liquid pressure. The “Flying Butterflies” experiment, where a balloon and paper butterflies demonstrated the phenomenon of electrostatic charge, and “Incredible Balances”, focusing on the exploration of object balance, encouraged the children to actively participate and investigate.
Equally important, “magic tricks” like the “Magic Bean”, where a ball unexpectedly “appeared” in an empty box, and the demonstration of a paper water lily petal opening in water and the retention of water in an inverted glass, acted as a bridge between play and learning, prompting the children to think about the scientific principles behind these “wonders”.
This approach to learning illustrates the value of early scientific education and how practical experiments can bring theory to life, fostering curiosity and a desire for knowledge among the youngest. Through an interactive experience, our nursery children gained a fundamental understanding of physics, proving that science can be both fun and accessible.