Postal Customs and Australia through a Creative Project

As part of a small Croatian language project, we explored fascinating Australia by creating authentic postcards. The task was to send real postcards from Australia that the students had created themselves. Each student made a postcard, enriched it with their own creative additions, and wrote a personal message.
Together we discovered the addresses of the recipients, learned about postal customs, and followed the path of the postcards to their destinations around the world. This practice contributed to strengthening our language skills and fostering cooperation among students, creating a special connection with distant Australia and realizing a real global reach of our cultural exchange. Each postcard tells a story about a certain part of Australia, be it beautiful landscapes or cultural monuments. This creative activity encouraged our imagination, spirit of inquiry, and understanding of the world’s diversity.
The project gave us the opportunity to get to know Australia better, develop communication skills in the Croatian language, and encourage cross-cultural awareness among the participants.