Remembrance day


In observance of Remembrance Day, our educational community immersed itself in meaningful dialogues centered around the profound concept of peace. Embracing the significance of this day, we urged our students to delve into introspection, encouraging them to contemplate what peace means on a personal level and how they can actively contribute to fostering tranquility in their homes, schools, and the broader global community.

As part of this reflective journey, our students engaged in a captivating creative activity, meticulously crafting paper peace doves. These ethereal doves, adorned with messages of hope and unity, now grace the walls of our classrooms, serving as a poignant and visually striking representation of our collective aspirations for lasting peace. Through such endeavors, we aim to instill in our students a profound understanding of the role they play in shaping a harmonious and compassionate world for future generations.

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