Enrolment into the 1st grade of secondary school


In accordance with the Decision for the enrolment of students in the 1st grade of secondary school in the school year 2023/2024. (Official Gazette 55/2023) ADRIA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL announces a notice for the enrolment of students in the first class of secondary school in the school year 2023/2024.

Program name General education grammar school in English
Duration of the education 4 years
Enrolment places 24
Subjects important for enrolment
  • Croatian language
  • Mathematics
  • First foreign language
  • History
  • Geography
  • Biology
Knowledge competition that is evaluated upon enrolment The right to direct enrolment or additional points is possible for candidates based on the results they achieved on:

  • knowledge competitions in: Croatian language, Mathematics, First foreign language, History, Geography or Biology

* Only one (most favorable) achievement is evaluated for the candidate.

Documents required for enrolment Signed enrolment form for the first grade of secondary school (registration form).
Health requirements Proper cognitive functioning.
Notes The costs of obligatory school fee for the first year of secondary school is 12,000.00 EUR (read more).

No later than the 9th of July parents of students enrolling in the first grade are obliged to report to the school in person.


Foreign languages taught at the School as obligatory subjects: English (for students with Croatian citizenship) and Croatian as a foreign language (for foreign students) and German language.

The first foreign language is English and prior knowledge of English* is mandatory for attending the program. No prior knowledge of Croatian as a foreign language and German is necessary.

As an optional subject students can learn Spanish or Italian language.

Additional tests

An additional test of knowledge of the English language for candidates who did not study it as a first foreign language will be held on July 3, 2023. at 9:00 a.m., and for candidates with developmental disabilities on June 23, 2023. at 9:00 a.m. at Wenzelova 2, Rijeka, 3rd floor, in the classroom number 3.

The special knowledge test, which includes the English language test (4 points), will be held on July 3, 2023. at 11:00 a.m., i.e. June 23, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. for students with disabilities, and a motivational interview with candidates in English (4 points) that will be held on July 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., i.e. June 26, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. for students with disabilities. The tests takes place at Wenzelova 2, Rijeka, 3rd floor, in the classroom number 3.

The special knowledge test is not subject of elimination. Exceptionally, for candidates who have attended the IB program for at least three previous grades, the special knowledge test is not required.

For all additional tests, we recommend contacting info@adria-school.hr by July 1, 2023 at the latest, in order to assign individual appointments to applicants and shorten the waiting time.

Registration deadlines and procedures (Summer enrolment period)

Description of the procedure Date
Beginning of system login 29. 5. 2023
Registration of candidates outside the regular education system of the Republic of Croatia via
29. 5. – 26. 6. 2023
Delivery of personal documents and certificates to the Central Registration Office 29. 5. – 26. 6. 2023
Registration of educational programmes 28. 6. – 7. 7. 2023
Application for programmes that require additional tests 28. 6. – 2. 7. 2023
Delivery of documentation:

•   Expert opinion of the CES for programmes that require it

•  Documents that entitle you to additional rights for enrolment (submitted via srednje.e-upisi.hr)

28. 6. – 6. 7. 2023
Conducting additional exams, checking and entering results 3. 7. – 6. 7. 2023
Deleting candidates who did not meet the prerequisites from the list 6. 7. 2023
Entry of complaints 7. 7. 2023
Publication of the final rankings 10. 7. 2023
Delivery of documents that are required for enrolment in a specific secondary school education program:

1) Registration form (mandatory for all students) – submitted electronically
srednje.e-upisi.hr or by arriving at the school on the prescribed date


The exact date of receipt of documents upon arrival at school is published on school websites and notice

10. 7. – 13. 7. 2023
Publication of the approximate number of vacancies for the autumn enrolment period 14. 7. 2023
Official announcement of vacancies for the autumn enrolment period 7. 8. 2023

Application of candidates with developmental difficulties (Summer deadline)

Description of the procedure Date
Candidates with developmental difficulties should apply
at county administrative departments for education, i.e., at the City Office for Education, Sports
and Youth of the City of Zagreb, and express their choice of education programmes from the priority list in
the desired order of enrolment
29. 5. – 16. 6. 2023
Registration of candidates with developmental difficulties outside the regular education system
in the Republic of Croatia at srednje.e-upisi.hr
29. 5. – 16. 6. 2023
Delivery of personal documents and diplomas of candidates with developmental difficulties
outside the regular

education system in the Republic of Croatia to the Central Applications Office of the Republic of Croatia

29. 5. – 16. 6. 2023
Selected programmes are entered in the system by the enrolment committees of county
administrative departments and the City Office for Education, Sports and Youth of the City of Zagreb
29. 5. – 21. 6. 2023
Delivery of documents for additional rights to enrolment (delivery via srednje.e-upisi.hr)


29. 5.- 26. 6. 2023
Implementation of additional tests for candidates with developmental difficulties, and entry of
results into the system


23. 6. – 26. 6. 2023
Beginning of ranking lists view 26. 6. 2023
Ranking of candidates with developmental difficulties 27. 6. 2023
Pursuant to the National Pedagogical Standard, reduction of enrolment quotas for class
departments of particular education programmes due to enrolment of students with developmental difficulties
28. 6. 2023
Delivery of documents necessary for enrolment into a particular secondary school education

1) Enrolment form (required for all students)
delivered electronically via srednje.e-upisi.hr or at the
on the prescribed date

The exact date of receipt of documents delivered at the school is published on the school’s website and notice

10. 7. – 13. 7. 2023

Contact information

Address: Stubište Miroslava Krleže 1, Opatija

secretary office: +385 91 492 55 55
principal office: +385 91 628 03 06

E-mail address for inquiries and delivery of documentation: info@adria-school.hr

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