Field trip to Fužine


On Friday, November 17, 2023, students of the PYP program left for Fužine by train. Upon arrival, they continued their journey with the Fužine Express tourist train to the small village of Lič, where they visited the Ethnographic Museum.

They looked at many artifacts from the past and gained insight into their purpose. This activity stimulated their curiosity and understanding of cultural heritage. After that, they saw bees and had the opportunity to taste different types of honey, which encouraged them to think about the importance of preserving nature and biodiversity. They returned to the train to the Vrelo cave near Fužine, where they discovered natural “sculptures”.

This was followed by a walk around Lake Bajer, enjoying the fresh air and the autumn scenes of Gorski Kotar.

After a delicious lunch and free time, the students returned to Rijeka, enriched by experiences that raised their awareness of cultural and natural diversity and the importance of active participation in shaping their own environment.

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