Barbara Turin
Barbara graduated in English and Latin at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. She has been working as a Latin and English teacher in the First Croatian Grammar School in Sušak in Rijeka for 20 years, and in Adria she will teach Latin. As Head of the Inter-County Professional Council of Teachers of Classical Languages, she is dedicated to advancing her profession – by organising professional conferences, giving lectures, creating didactic materials, and encouraging her colleagues to collaborate with each other and share successful teaching ideas. She prefers new teaching methods and eagerly points to connections between Latin and other languages, as well as the cultural and intellectual heritage around us. Besides that, she develops additional digital materials for students on several platforms, so as to make Latin more accessible to new generations of students. She is mentoring young teachers of Latin and students of English at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and as such she participates in the administration of the professional exam for teachers of English.
Our teachers
Adria is led by a team of experts dedicated to progress of education and care for each student and employee. Their task is to ensure optimal conditions for the school’s development and connect it both to the local and global community it is part of. On this path they are constantly learning how to be prepared for future challenges and work effectively with and for people.