Gordana Senić Koprivnikar

Digital design teacher

Gordana has a master's degree in mathematics and informatics education. She graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics in Rijeka. Currently, she is working as a professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Rijeka Traffic School, where she also teaches the optional course "School and Community". In Adria International School she teaches Digital Design. During ten years of work, she participated in various mathematical, IT, and interdisciplinary projects. As an Erasmus+ coordinator, she led an international project on student mobility and professional practice abroad. She actively uses technology, researches modern teaching methods, and shares examples of good practice. In working with students, she encourages a spirit of inquiry, teamwork, and responsibility. Gordana continuously improves herself and believes that lifelong learning is essential for personal development. She loves traveling, music, reading, and video games and often spends her free time at concerts.

Our teachers

Adria is led by a team of experts dedicated to progress of education and care for each student and employee. Their task is to ensure optimal conditions for the school’s development and connect it both to the local and global community it is part of. On this path they are constantly learning how to be prepared for future challenges and work effectively with and for people.

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