Laura Lovrić

Primary years teacher

After graduating from Andrija Mohorovičić High School in Rijeka, Laura continued her education at the Faculty of Teachers in the same city, where she successfully obtained a master's degree in primary education. Through various experiences in many elementary schools in Rijeka and the surrounding area, Laura has developed adaptability to different forms and programs of educational work. She is extremely dedicated to working with children and always does her work with a smile. The main goal of her work, in addition to imparting language knowledge, lies in imparting empathy and love for animals, other people, and the nature that surrounds us. Her passionate commitment to educating future generations is visible in every step of her pedagogical journey.

Our teachers

Adria is led by a team of experts dedicated to progress of education and care for each student and employee. Their task is to ensure optimal conditions for the school’s development and connect it both to the local and global community it is part of. On this path they are constantly learning how to be prepared for future challenges and work effectively with and for people.

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