Slavonian afternoon


On the afternoon of Thursday, March 7th, our PYP4 class hosted an event celebrating Slavonian heritage. The rest of the PYP students and teachers got to enjoy traditional food such as čvarci and kulen, listen to traditional music and experience the lively dance, kolo. The students showcased their knowledge of Slavonian culture, explaining to their peers everything they had learnt in class.

Amidst the festivities, our very own Mr. Krešimir took center stage teaching our students about the traditions of his hometown Nova Gradiška. The students were particularly interested in Tucindan, a tradition where the men of the family build a fire in their house yard, and roast a pig, on a long wooden spit on Christmas Eve. The students had very interesting questions and were really keen on inquiring more about Slavonian culture and heritage.

PYP4 students demonstrated their commitment to fostering cultural appreciation and understanding within the community. Together, they reminded us how crucial it is to keep our traditions alive for the future generations.

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