Visit to the library and Autumn treasure hunt


On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the air buzzed with excitement as students from the PYP and MYP programs embarked on a literary adventure to Opatija’s enchanting local library. As they stepped through its doors, they were greeted by the nostalgic scent of books and the promise of countless stories waiting to be discovered.

To begin, the library’s staff introduced the young scholars to the membership process. The children were brimming with excitement as they searched for books that piqued their interest. Some PYP students, inspired by a recently taught unit on the human body system, gravitated towards related books. Others were captivated by the tragic fate of the Titanic or the graceful pirouettes of ballet.

Back at school, with the guidance of their teachers, they designated a special nook for their new books and learned the importance of handling them with care. Moreover, each student took on the responsibility of noting the due dates for returning these borrowed treasures.

On the way to and from the library, students also participated in an exciting multilingual autumn treasure hunt. The children had the opportunity to collect a number of autumn gifts of nature and learn their names in German, English and Croatian.

This day was not the end but a prologue, the first of many chapters in their ongoing journey with the written word at the local library.

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