MYP students on their first interdisciplinary field trip


On Thursday, September 21, 2023, our MYP students went on their first interdisciplinary field trip. History, Ethics and English and Croatian languages teachers collaborated to plan a rich educational experience beyond the confines of our classrooms.

The first destination was the Maritime and Historical Museum of Rijeka, where the English language teacher, Ana Bratulić, guided the students through the “Traces of Time” exhibition.

In the afternoon, the students, as part of the Ethics class, visited the church of Our Lady of Trsat. There, under the guidance of teacher Ivona Raukar, they explored the principles and beliefs of Roman Catholicism.

Finally, the students went to the library, with a special visit to the American Corner. During this part of the trip, the students got to know the library’s rich fund through various activities and learned to distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts.

Together with the professors, they participated in games and quizzes that added a fun element to the overall experience. The trip was a great opportunity for learning and fun, which further deepened the bonds between students and professors and created lasting memories of this educational adventure.

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